Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How to Create Amazing Blockchain app with AWS Lambda

AWS (Amazon Web Services) lambda

AWS is a platform that allows computational operations to take place for any desired outcome. How can it help in creating blockchain app, any idea? Well, coming back to AWS, the important feature to note is that this platform operates without a server. Thus, it allows any user and developer to use its services anywhere anytime. This service is provided by amazon. It provides various features that will help the developer to build theirs or customers desirable application as AWS provides elastic storage.

Some of it features include the ability to build an application whose features can be operated from the back-end using API of lambda. It allows the users to use any programming code without any restriction too, etc.

Everybody knows what blockchain is. It is a digital ledger platform that stores, records and allows transactions to take place anytime and anyplace. It operates on a decentralized network without any central authority. This allows users or developers to create and provide many features such as borderless, unrestricted access to data and transfer, transparency, etc.

Imagine the possibilities and opportunities that can be grabbed if lambada services provided by amazon is used to build an application that work with blockchain too. A serverless application with a decentralized network, it gives a nice ring to all developers doesn’t it? This article discusses about blockchain app development using Lambda.

Building blockchain app on AWS Lambda

Use the computational lambda services provided by AWS as the base tool to build a strong infrastructure for your blockchain application.  It allows the function of sending notifications much easier.

At first the blockchain runs on a lambda platform using the structure or template built and it launches the smart contract on the blockchain network. This in turn makes the lambda to execute the transactions that take place in blockchain platform. This is followed by the lambda code you built following the events that occur in blockchain. The events are in the form of a data stream and is controlled and managed by kinesis which is then split into raw and filtered data. The final outcome is visible to the user to meet the desired requirement.

You build your programming code or decide the code you are going to use for building the blockchain application. Then you upload your code using the lambda function to compute the service needed. After you complete this process, lambda allows the developer to execute the code which in turn allows the blockchain developer to better manage resources and servers.

This allows the code to run without any obstruction and hassle free. This takes place immediately right after the code has been approved by the serverless computational network platform.  The building stage cane be split into three stages as follows.

Building stage

Here the code is groomed to make sure it best suits the requirements to achieve the desired outcome with the blockchain application to be developed. This stage can also be called as authoring the code to suit your lambda functions and code.

In order to do this, first identity the programming languages that is supported by this AWS service. This service provides tools such as lambda console, visual studio IDE (integrated development environment), etc. that allows to author the code better.

Keep in mind to follow that first choose the programming language you want to use for writing the lambda code to develop the blockchain application. Second, choose the library you want to use to suit the blockchain features. So, that the user would feel that the blockchain application is more feasible to use and interact with.

Amazon services of lambda by itself provide many libraries to choose from. Choose wisely as to which will help you to develop an infrastructure that will make the blockchain network more secure. Make sure that in the process or developing the blockchain application with lambda, there is no vulnerability to blockchain application after it is built.

Some of these languages are node.js, java, C#, python, etc. and some of the library variables include lambda task rooter, AWS executive environment, etc.

Important notes to make sure

Identify what kind of method you want your lambda code to follow while calling the code to execute a function of blockchain. These methods include if the code should first obtain and store data or store data and then obtain further information related to data stored.

Choose the way you want the application interaction to be, as to how an event that occurs in the blockchain application will be passed to the user or developer.

Make sure that the interaction between your lambda code and your blockchain application should be able to obtain and store information. Also, consider the exception of situations when the network system may fail due to network error.  

After building

Organize all your code and features that depend on the code you developed for the blockchain application. This is called as a deployment package. This package ensures that the built plugins and features function and operate as desired without any failure. Then upload this code to your blockchain platform and test if the application is working as expected. Make any changes needed by monitoring and troubleshooting any problems witnessed in the operation while testing.


Lambda provides the ability to build a strong infrastructure for blockchain projects. They allow to create decentralized applications with high level of storage and scalability. Good luck to create your smart and amazing blockchain application. Get best blockchain development company in usa.

Get More Information here

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Top mobile app development trends and technologies to watch out for in 2019

App development

According to dot com infoway, by 2017 and 2018, time spent on mobile applications were accounted 54% and an average user spent 2.3 hours per day on mobile application. 6.6 trillion mobile apps were deployed in app store. Mobile app development helps you increase the efficiency and offer high levels of scalability that also would ensure security of data stored or transferred through mobile application.
According to appsterhq around more than USD 157.05 billion were spent on development by 2016 to 2018. It is expected that by 2019 and 2020, the development investment would increase to USD 661.74 billion and more than 200 billion downloads. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality are expected to capture more than half the market of customers in any market the business may enter.  All mobile application development companies have already started working on mobile app development trends 2019.

Mobile applications constantly keep striving hard to innovate and provide something new to reward customer loyalty and stay ahead of the competition too. Following are some of app development trends that are believed will change the lives of an individual as well as business organization.

Mobile app development technology and trends of 2019

Artificial intelligence to make work life easier

Programmers and developers are looking for something better and new to code their software with and this has led to the birth of artificial intelligence (AI). It helps in automating almost any process or operations taking place in an organization. Artificial intelligence has taken its root in mobile technologies and applications today. Artificial intelligence is a computer algorithm that allows a computer system to work and operate as similar as a human.

It is widely used and has potential in the robotics industry. Most of the manufacturing units for various organizations are working hard towards replacing human labor with automated technology such as artificial intelligence. With human labor the chances of error to occur is pretty high as the chances of making mistakes is pretty high. With robots incorporated with mobile intelligence using artificial intelligence will eliminate this problem. For example, mobile applications gather and store data of any particular operation taking place and the managers can make changes in the system in real time from anywhere away from the company too. Example of such system is enterprise resource solutions (ERP) which provides better efficient results.

Wearables to enhance comfortablility

They electronic smart devices that can be worn on skin or a clothing apparel on the physical body. It is similar to implanting devices used by health care industries but the difference is there wearables serve multiple purposes and can be used for our daily live comfortability. These wearables are in the form of band, watches, smart glasses, clothes, etc.

These wearables are developed in the manner of tracking data from our body or providing us data from internet via a sync through our mobile or the application server. The way a wearable operates depends upon the purpose it serves. For example, a smart match can be used to make calls, control music and message on our mobile using the watch; a smart cloth can track our heart beat or keep a track of our body heat and even insulate heat when our body is seemed to be getting cold, etc.

These wearables take data and store them and make it available for us to understand ourselves better and making life much more comfortable.

Creating a world of your own with Augmented reality (AR)

Augmented reality is a platform that provides the user a means to interact with a real-world environment and objects from a place where that particular environment or object does not actually exist. In other words, augmented reality brings you a better interaction with real world environment and object using computer generated information. Augmented reality taps in out visual, auditory, touch senses, etc.

For example, augmented reality can project an environment of a classroom and a professor teaching or taking class even when you in your room at home. Another interesting example would be bringing you an environment of car drive or scuba diving even when you are sitting at your work desk. This is possible through devices that are specially built to project and support augmented reality.

Since the technology is new and yet to be completely understood, currently it is expensive. But down the line, soon augmented reality is going to as low prices as a mobile phone is today and the world will be a lot changed by then.

E-wallet or mobile wallet to bring convenience in payments

The world is becoming digital and the usage or hard cash or paper tickets has been reduced by a large number. Nobody likes a cluster or one too many things to carry and it is also not safe to carry hard cash in hand today. E-wallet or mobile wallet makes it easy for everyone to store their credit or debit card information in the application for any financial transaction purpose. They can access their cash cards from applications that support this wallet and transfer or receive money and meet their requirements and needs.

Three major usage of e-wallets today and in the future of 2019 is going to be money transfers from wallets; storing any kind of ticket in the wallet and making payments in online market. For example, these wallets even allow movie tickets to be stored in the application and all you have to do is show the ticket in the application and you are good to go. No more paper tickets or receipts or bills. It also helps the world become eco-friendly and control pollution as it reduces the need for cutting down trees for paper.

Blockchain applications to transform mobile application market as we know

It is a digital ledger platform that stores data and allows transaction to take place and operate in a decentralized platform. The benefits of using blockchain are having the accessibility to limitless data transfer and borderless transactions.

There is no central authority and thus there is no extra charge levied on the user unlike the traditional banking charges that usually charge for using their service. Blockchain will help in developing decentralized applications (DApps) which will change the world for the better by making business organizations access features without any restriction. Blockchain also provides high security too.


There are many new trends and technologies that are already set and still are being developed every day. Artificial intelligence is considered as the top most potential brewing trends for 2019 and in the upcoming years too. Stay up to date and make sure you use start of the art technology and stay trendy. Let us know, what other trends are technologies in mobile development do you think are worth noticing for the year 2019.